Monday, April 2, 2012

Governments Around The World

     Yes, a government is good for some things like protecting us from war and giving us jobs, but there are governments in other places around the world that are not so good. Governments also bring war, and take away jobs. Although most of the governments that you are probably familiar with are ones similar the the government that we have in America, there are hundreds of different governments.

     Most governments such as our Democracy government aim to heighten the quality of the country at which it stands, but not all effects of government are positive, such as a dictatorship. Some governments are created by brute force and are not just to keep order. Of course there are other governments all around the world, some good and some not so good.

     The Democracy government was devised by the ancient Greeks to keep order and justice among the people and to allow them to vote for who they wanted to be their president. Although back in 507 BCE only males from Athens were allowed to vote and wealthier individual's votes were given more influence in deciding their ruler. Nowadays anyone over 18 is allowed to vote and the more prosperous citizens aren't given more impact on the overall vote.

     Some governments are not so oriented to the better good of their people and need to be taken by brute force and not by voting. Dictatorship is a government that is usually taken by force. A dictatorship can also be a government where the leader has pooled up all the power for themselves and used said power to take over. The most famous dictatorship was Adolf Hitler's rein over germany from 1933 to 1915.

    Some governments are ruled by those who are physically strong, others such as Geniocracy are ruled by the most creative, innovative, and intelligent citizens.