Monday, March 19, 2012

Why The Axolotl Should Be Saved From Extinction.

Do you know what an Axolotl is? If you don't then i don't blame you. The Axolotl is one of the rarest, most endangered creatures on the face of the earth.

Axolotls should definitely be saved from extinction. These Aquatic miracles of nature could be the key to finding a way to grow things like organs or skin without having to take one from a dead human.
I think Axolotls should be saved just because its our fault that their extinct. We are the ones who drained their lake into canals and released fish into said canals that ended up eating the Axolotls.
Among other reasons why they should be saved, Axolotls also make great pets.

Scientists have been trying to find a way to regenerate organs for a long time, They thought that lizards would be the key considering that they can grow back their tails. The real key to artificially grown organs is actually the Axolotl. Axolotls can regrow limbs, heart tissue, and even brain tissue. This regrowth factor allowed scientists a few years ago to swap the brains of two axolotls, both of them survived and took on the characteristics of the converse axolotl. Awareness of the Axolotl should be spread throughout the world, They really could benefit humanity.

In the early 20th century they drained lake Xochimilco into a series of canals that was widely the cause of the axolotl extinction. Similar to putting lemon juice on a cut; a few years after the lake was drained they released various types of fish into the lake that were popular among local restaurants. These fish happened to be predators of the Axolotl. Now the Axolotl is mostly extinct in the wild and its our fault.

Among other reasons why Axolotls should be saved, they make great pets. Axolotls require very little care and are very easy to take care of. They don't need very much food and only require a tank full of cold, undisturbed water. If their owner were to go on some sort of outing for an extended period of time, it would be possible to put an Axolotl in a bowl and leave it in a refrigerator until you come back. The extremely cold water makes them go into a sort of coma or hibernation.

If you want to save these wonderful creatures like i do, then go spread the word. Tell your friends about the little lonely Axolotl thats going to be gone in 10 years. Tell them about how that they could change the world of medical science.

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