Monday, May 21, 2012

thank you notes

Dear Ms. Jennifer,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. I think that the nice guys made a very good team and it wouldn't have been as fun without you. You brought a positive attitude to the group and kept it until the very end. I appreciated that you looked out for me and always made sure that there was something I could eat. Thanks again for chaperoning us. Go nice guys!

Dear Ms. Maureen,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. You were very helpful and always willing to lend a hand. Thank you for buying me food after I had used my voucher and making sure that I got something healthy to eat. You kept us safe and not to mention out of trouble. I enjoyed having such great chaperones. Go nice guys!

Dear Mr. Steve,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. You were very nice to me and and the rest of the nice guys. Although we didn't always see you, you were always behind us making sure we were all together.
My favorite thing was the zoo, what was your's? Go nice guys!
Thanks again for chaperoning us.

Dear Ms. Ginger
Thank you for teaching us the many different types and mediums of art. You are the best art teacher I have ever had and I hope that you will keep teaching us here at Tesla for a long time. You are a very creative person. every time you teach us I want to keep doing art for the whole day. You are a very good artist and I admire your work. No bones about it, some day your art will be very famous.
Thank you for being our art teacher.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Wolf Preservation

Wolf preservation is very important. As most animals, if wolves went extinct the ecosystem would be messed up. Most people see wolves as brutal, savage, carnivores that will kill you if you come in contact with one, but fortunately this is wrong. The truth is, Wolves are more important they get credit for. if they were to be hunted to extinction many species would be harmed, including humans.

Even if you personally dislike wolves, you won't want them to go extinct. If wolves no longer existed many species would slowly die off as well. For example: Wolves pick off and eat animals that are small, injured or sick, so if you take away this animal's predator there gene pools will slowly get worse and worse which will make them to also go extinct. There is also many plants that benefit from rotten meant and bones, and if these plants don't survive then many species of herbivores many go extinct as well. People generally underestimate wolves and there effect on the ecosystem, and thus think that they are unimportant.

Among other things, people hunt and bounty wolves because we think they are simply savage beasts that will attack anything, this is very very wrong. Wolves, like many other creatures are scared of humans and will only attack there natural prey. There has NEVER been a report of a healthy wolf attacking a human in North America. Our fear of wolves dates back to the 1800s when mythology about wolves was very common, this is also where stories like little red riding hood, the three little pigs, and the bot who cried wolf originated. Wolves are not blood-thirsty man eaters and should be treated with the same respect as any other animal.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Washington DC big writing, Draft #1, May 7, 2012

Over the four days that I stayed in Washington DC I think me, my group, and my chaperones did more than I normally do in a month. In one day alone we went to two to three memorials as well as three to four museums, on the last day we also went to a zoo. We could've stayed in DC for two weeks and we still wouldn't have run out of things to do. We even went on a ghost tour later one night. Washington DC is a very fun place to go if your looking for a lot of things to do, here are some of things to do:

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum is very fun if your looking for something obscure to do. If you have just spent a few days touring around seeing some of the things like the Capitol or the Lincoln Memorial then this is definitely a change of scenery. Although you wouldn't normally except much from the small building on the corner, it is quite outstanding. Last week When we went to the museum I was very impressed at how realistic the wax figures looked, if you took a picture by one of the figures and showed it to your friends they would believe you! Although it might not look like a large tourist trap, that doesn't mean its not fun, in fact it is quite the opposite. I would highly recommend that if you are in the area that you visit Madame Tussauds.

The Newseum is the museum of news and journalism. The Newseum hosts exhibits ranging from the history of news and journalism, to a piece of the berlin wall, to an archive of newspapers from different eras, to a piece of the world trade center. The Newseum is also highly interactive, for example there are interactive touchscreen panels showing todays newspapers from around the world. Although if you happen to go to the Newseum someday, and you are afraid of heights, you might not want to take the glass elevator to the fifth floor.

If you are an animal person like me than you definitely want to visit the National zoo. The zoo is a great place to see animals that you wouldn't normally see in zoos, like giant pandas or kiwi birds. If you want to see smaller mammals, they have a section for that, or amphibians they have a section for that too. When we went to the zoo i was very astonished at how convenient it was, if i wanted to see a orange toxic newt you could just go to the salamander section and find the label that says "orange toxic newt." the zoo was very fun, I would love to go there again.

All together going to DC was a very fun and not to mention educational trip. I had never gone on a school trip until then so this was very exciting and fun for me. There was an endless amount of stuff to do there which just makes me want to go back. If i ever went to DC again i would definitely spend more time in the zoo and also the natural history museum. I had never really gone to DC before but now I know that it is an awesome place to visit and  hope that i get too go back!