Monday, May 21, 2012

thank you notes

Dear Ms. Jennifer,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. I think that the nice guys made a very good team and it wouldn't have been as fun without you. You brought a positive attitude to the group and kept it until the very end. I appreciated that you looked out for me and always made sure that there was something I could eat. Thanks again for chaperoning us. Go nice guys!

Dear Ms. Maureen,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. You were very helpful and always willing to lend a hand. Thank you for buying me food after I had used my voucher and making sure that I got something healthy to eat. You kept us safe and not to mention out of trouble. I enjoyed having such great chaperones. Go nice guys!

Dear Mr. Steve,
Thank you for chaperoning me and the Nice Guys. You were very nice to me and and the rest of the nice guys. Although we didn't always see you, you were always behind us making sure we were all together.
My favorite thing was the zoo, what was your's? Go nice guys!
Thanks again for chaperoning us.

Dear Ms. Ginger
Thank you for teaching us the many different types and mediums of art. You are the best art teacher I have ever had and I hope that you will keep teaching us here at Tesla for a long time. You are a very creative person. every time you teach us I want to keep doing art for the whole day. You are a very good artist and I admire your work. No bones about it, some day your art will be very famous.
Thank you for being our art teacher.


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